October 31, 2013


We haven't posted ages, there hasn't really been much going on so that's probably why, so here's an update.

Earlier last month we played with the Rotting Out / Broken Teeth / Survival show in Southampton with our good friends Nihility. Despite some problems before hand the show went really. The reaction we got was unreal, so cool to see people going crazy like they were in our home town. We played 3 new songs that went down well too. We're continuing to write for our next release, hopefully we can push to get something onto vinyl. The writing process will carry on from now over Christmas and into the new year, we struggle to find much time for us all to get together atm due to work but expect new things in the new year. Sound-wise the newer songs are heading towards a modern youth-crew sound, yet with the same older influences here and there that were put into the last demo.

In other news 2 of us, including other members of The UYC, Coalition & Outsider have a new band coming. We record in 2/3 weeks. FFO: 90's metal / death metal hardcore from Belgium. I think Savage Youth also have plans for that split with Hardout once Josh Gibbons has got over being a sap about knee #wawa

Our next show is the UYC XXX-mas show with all the bands below, how good is UK Straight Edge? After this we have nothing coming up immediately, but we hope to begin plans for some sort of summer tour (maybe Europe like we said before, just got to check funds and such to see if it's still possible). We also may be coming to Bristol next year for a UYC / BCHC band show with a couple from other places.

We've also now finally got our act together with these new shirts. They're up for pre-order now, any relevant information is on the page. We'll have them in with us to post out in maybe up to a month, but the quicker / the more people who order the sooner we can get it sorted. Southampton City Crest.
